Bab 1 : Biodiversiti / Biodiversity
1.1 Kepelbagaian Organisma / Biodiversity of Organisms
1.2 Pengelasan Organisma / Classification of Organisms
Bab 2 : Ekosistem / Ecosystem
2.1 Aliran Tenaga dalam Ekosistem / Energy Flow in an Ecosystem
2.2 Kitar Nutrien dalam Ekosistem / Nutrient Cycle in an Ecosystem
2.3 Saling Bersandaran dan Interaksi antara Organisma dan antara Organisma dengan Persekitaran / Interdependence and Interaction Among Organisms and between Organisms and the Environment
2.4 Peranan Manusia dalam Usaha Mengekalkan Keseimbangan Alam / Role of Humans in Maintaining a Balanced Nature
Bab 3 : Nutrisi / Nutrition
3.1 Kelas Makanan / Classes of Food
3.2 Kepentingan Gizi Seimbang / Importance of a Balanced Diet
3.3 Sistem Pencernaan Manusia / Human Digestive System
3.4 Proses Penyerapan dan Pengangkutan Hasil Pencernaan serta Penyahtinjaan / Process of Absorption and Transportation of Digested Food and Defecation
Bab 4 : Kesihatan Manusia / Human Health
4.1 Penyakit Berjangkit dan Penyakit Tidak Berjangkit / Infectious and Non-infectious Diseases
4.2 Pertahanan Badan / Body Defence
Bab 5 : Air dan Larutan / Water and Solution
5.1 Sifat Fizik Air / Physical Characteristics of Water
5.2 Larutan dan Kadar Keterlarutan / Solution and Rate of Solubility
5.3 Pembersihan dan Pembekalan Air / Water Purification and Water Supply
Bab 6 : Asid dan Alkali / Acid and Alkali
6.1 Sifat Asid dan Alkali / Properties of Acids and Alkalis
6.2 Peneutralan / Neutralisation
Bab 7 : Keelektrikan dan Kemagnetan / Electricity and Magnetism
7.1 Keelektrikan / Electricity
7.2 Pengaliran Arus Elektrik dalam Litar Bersiri dan Litar Selari / Flow of Electric Current in a Series Circuit and Parallel Circuit
7.3 Kemagnetan / Magnetism
Bab 8 : Daya dan Gerakan / Force and Motion
8.1 Daya / Force
8.2 Kesan Daya / Effects of Force
Bab 9 : Haba / Heat
9.1 Hubung Kait Suhu dengan Haba / Relationship between Temperature and Heat
9.2 Pengaliran Haba dan Keseimbangan Terma / Heat Flow and Thermal Equilibrium
9.3 Prinsip Pengembangan dan Pengecutan Jirim / Principle of Expansion and Contraction of Matter
9.4 Hubung Kait Jenis Permukaan Objek dengan Penyerapan dan Pembebasan Haba / Relationship between Types of Surface of Object, and Heat Absorption and Emission
Bab 10 : Gelombang bunyi / Sound Waves
10.1 Ciri-ciri Gelombang Bunyi / Characteristics of Sound Waves
10.2 Kenyaringan dan Kelangsingan Bunyi / Loudness and Pitch of Sound
10.3 Fenomena dan Aplikasi Pantulan Gelombang Bunyi / Phenomena and Application of Reflection of Sound Waves
Bab 11 : Bintang dan Galaksi dalam Alam Semesta / Star and Galaxies in the Universe
11.1 Bintang dan Galaksi dalam Alam Semesta / Stars and Galaxies in the Universe
Bab 12 : Sistem Suria / Solar System
12.1 Sistem Suria / Solar System
Bab 13 : Meteoroid, Asteroid, Komet / Meteoroid, Asteroid, Comet
13.1 Jasad Lain dalam Sistem Suria iaitu Meteoroid, Asteroid dan Komet / Other Objects in the Solar System; such as Meteoroids, Asteroids and Comets
Bab 1 : Biodiversiti / Biodiversity
1.1 Kepelbagaian Organisma / Biodiversity of Organisms
1.2 Pengelasan Organisma / Classification of Organisms
Bab 2 : Ekosistem / Ecosystem
2.1 Aliran Tenaga dalam Ekosistem / Energy Flow in an Ecosystem
2.2 Kitar Nutrien dalam Ekosistem / Nutrient Cycle in an Ecosystem
2.3 Saling Bersandaran dan Interaksi antara Organisma dan antara Organisma dengan Persekitaran / Interdependence and Interaction Among Organisms and between Organisms and the Environment
2.4 Peranan Manusia dalam Usaha Mengekalkan Keseimbangan Alam / Role of Humans in Maintaining a Balanced Nature
Bab 3 : Nutrisi / Nutrition
3.1 Kelas Makanan / Classes of Food
3.2 Kepentingan Gizi Seimbang / Importance of a Balanced Diet
3.3 Sistem Pencernaan Manusia / Human Digestive System
3.4 Proses Penyerapan dan Pengangkutan Hasil Pencernaan serta Penyahtinjaan / Process of Absorption and Transportation of Digested Food and Defecation
Bab 4 : Kesihatan Manusia / Human Health
4.1 Penyakit Berjangkit dan Penyakit Tidak Berjangkit / Infectious and Non-infectious Diseases
4.2 Pertahanan Badan / Body Defence
Bab 5 : Air dan Larutan / Water and Solution
5.1 Sifat Fizik Air / Physical Characteristics of Water
5.2 Larutan dan Kadar Keterlarutan / Solution and Rate of Solubility
5.3 Pembersihan dan Pembekalan Air / Water Purification and Water Supply
Bab 6 : Asid dan Alkali / Acid and Alkali
6.1 Sifat Asid dan Alkali / Properties of Acids and Alkalis
6.2 Peneutralan / Neutralisation
Bab 7 : Keelektrikan dan Kemagnetan / Electricity and Magnetism
7.1 Keelektrikan / Electricity
7.2 Pengaliran Arus Elektrik dalam Litar Bersiri dan Litar Selari / Flow of Electric Current in a Series Circuit and Parallel Circuit
7.3 Kemagnetan / Magnetism
Bab 8 : Daya dan Gerakan / Force and Motion
8.1 Daya / Force
8.2 Kesan Daya / Effects of Force
Bab 9 : Haba / Heat
9.1 Hubung Kait Suhu dengan Haba / Relationship between Temperature and Heat
9.2 Pengaliran Haba dan Keseimbangan Terma / Heat Flow and Thermal Equilibrium
9.3 Prinsip Pengembangan dan Pengecutan Jirim / Principle of Expansion and Contraction of Matter
9.4 Hubung Kait Jenis Permukaan Objek dengan Penyerapan dan Pembebasan Haba / Relationship between Types of Surface of Object, and Heat Absorption and Emission
Bab 10 : Gelombang bunyi / Sound Waves
10.1 Ciri-ciri Gelombang Bunyi / Characteristics of Sound Waves
10.2 Kenyaringan dan Kelangsingan Bunyi / Loudness and Pitch of Sound
10.3 Fenomena dan Aplikasi Pantulan Gelombang Bunyi / Phenomena and Application of Reflection of Sound Waves
Bab 11 : Bintang dan Galaksi dalam Alam Semesta / Star and Galaxies in the Universe
11.1 Bintang dan Galaksi dalam Alam Semesta / Stars and Galaxies in the Universe
Bab 12 : Sistem Suria / Solar System
12.1 Sistem Suria / Solar System
Bab 13 : Meteoroid, Asteroid, Komet / Meteoroid, Asteroid, Comet
13.1 Jasad Lain dalam Sistem Suria iaitu Meteoroid, Asteroid dan Komet / Other Objects in the Solar System; such as Meteoroids, Asteroids and Comets
Bab 1 : Biodiversiti / Biodiversity
1.1 Kepelbagaian Organisma / Biodiversity of Organisms
1.2 Pengelasan Organisma / Classification of Organisms
Bab 2 : Ekosistem / Ecosystem
2.1 Aliran Tenaga dalam Ekosistem / Energy Flow in an Ecosystem
2.2 Kitar Nutrien dalam Ekosistem / Nutrient Cycle in an Ecosystem
2.3 Saling Bersandaran dan Interaksi antara Organisma dan antara Organisma dengan Persekitaran / Interdependence and Interaction Among Organisms and between Organisms and the Environment
2.4 Peranan Manusia dalam Usaha Mengekalkan Keseimbangan Alam / Role of Humans in Maintaining a Balanced Nature
Bab 3 : Nutrisi / Nutrition
3.1 Kelas Makanan / Classes of Food
3.2 Kepentingan Gizi Seimbang / Importance of a Balanced Diet
3.3 Sistem Pencernaan Manusia / Human Digestive System
3.4 Proses Penyerapan dan Pengangkutan Hasil Pencernaan serta Penyahtinjaan / Process of Absorption and Transportation of Digested Food and Defecation
Bab 4 : Kesihatan Manusia / Human Health
4.1 Penyakit Berjangkit dan Penyakit Tidak Berjangkit / Infectious and Non-infectious Diseases
4.2 Pertahanan Badan / Body Defence
Bab 5 : Air dan Larutan / Water and Solution
5.1 Sifat Fizik Air / Physical Characteristics of Water
5.2 Larutan dan Kadar Keterlarutan / Solution and Rate of Solubility
5.3 Pembersihan dan Pembekalan Air / Water Purification and Water Supply
Bab 6 : Asid dan Alkali / Acid and Alkali
6.1 Sifat Asid dan Alkali / Properties of Acids and Alkalis
6.2 Peneutralan / Neutralisation
Bab 7 : Keelektrikan dan Kemagnetan / Electricity and Magnetism
7.1 Keelektrikan / Electricity
7.2 Pengaliran Arus Elektrik dalam Litar Bersiri dan Litar Selari / Flow of Electric Current in a Series Circuit and Parallel Circuit
7.3 Kemagnetan / Magnetism
Bab 8 : Daya dan Gerakan / Force and Motion
8.1 Daya / Force
8.2 Kesan Daya / Effects of Force
Bab 9 : Haba / Heat
9.1 Hubung Kait Suhu dengan Haba / Relationship between Temperature and Heat
9.2 Pengaliran Haba dan Keseimbangan Terma / Heat Flow and Thermal Equilibrium
9.3 Prinsip Pengembangan dan Pengecutan Jirim / Principle of Expansion and Contraction of Matter
9.4 Hubung Kait Jenis Permukaan Objek dengan Penyerapan dan Pembebasan Haba / Relationship between Types of Surface of Object, and Heat Absorption and Emission
Bab 10 : Gelombang bunyi / Sound Waves
10.1 Ciri-ciri Gelombang Bunyi / Characteristics of Sound Waves
10.2 Kenyaringan dan Kelangsingan Bunyi / Loudness and Pitch of Sound
10.3 Fenomena dan Aplikasi Pantulan Gelombang Bunyi / Phenomena and Application of Reflection of Sound Waves
Bab 11 : Bintang dan Galaksi dalam Alam Semesta / Star and Galaxies in the Universe
11.1 Bintang dan Galaksi dalam Alam Semesta / Stars and Galaxies in the Universe
Bab 12 : Sistem Suria / Solar System
12.1 Sistem Suria / Solar System
Bab 13 : Meteoroid, Asteroid, Komet / Meteoroid, Asteroid, Comet
13.1 Jasad Lain dalam Sistem Suria iaitu Meteoroid, Asteroid dan Komet / Other Objects in the Solar System; such as Meteoroids, Asteroids and Comets