Bab 1 : Mikroorganisma / Microorganisms
1.1 Dunia Mikroorganisma / World of Microorganisms
1.2 Mikroorganisma Berfaedah / Useful Microorganisms
1.3 Pencegahan dan Rawatan Penyakit yang Disebabkan oleh Mikroorganisma / Prevention and Treatment of Diseases Caused by Microorganisms
Bab 2 : Nutrisi dan Teknologi Makanan / Nutrition and Food Technology
2.1 Gizi Seimbang dan Nilai Kalori / Balanced Diet and Calorific Value
2.2 Keperluan Nutrien oleh Tumbuhan / Nutrient Requirements in Plants
2.3 Kitar Nitrogen / Nitrogen Cycle
2.4 Teknologi Pengeluaran Makanan / Food Production Technology
2.5 Teknologi Pemprosesan Makanan / Food Processing Technology
2.6 Makanan Kesihatan dan Suplemen Kesihatan / Health Foods and Health Supplements
Bab 3 : Kelestarian Alam Sekitar / Sustainability of the Environment
3.1 Kitaran Hayat Produk / Product Life Cycle
3.2 Pencemaran Alam Sekitar / Environmental Pollution
3.3 Pemeliharaan dan Pemuliharaan Alam Sekitar / Preservation and Conservation of the Environment
Bab 4 : Kadar Tindak Balas / Rate of Reaction
4.1 Pengenalan Kadar Tindak Balas / Introduction to Rate of Reaction
4.2 Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Kadar Tindak Balas / Factors Affecting Rate of Reaction
4.3 Aplikasi Konsep Kadar Tindak Balas / Applications of the Concept of Rate of Reaction
Bab 5 : Sebatian Karbon / Carbon Compound
5.1 Pengenalan Sebatian Karbon / Introduction to Carbon Compounds
5.2 Hidrokarbon / Hydrocarbons
5.3 Alkohol / Alcohol
5.4 Lemak / Fats
5.5 Minyak Sawit / Palm Oil
Bab 6 : Elektrokimia / Electrochemistry
6.1 Sel Elektrolitik / Electrolytic Cell
6.2 Sel Kimia / Chemical Cell
Bab 7 : Cahaya dan Optik / Light and Optics
7.1 Pembentukan Imej oleh Kanta / Formation of Images by Lenses
7.2 Peralatan Optik / Optical Instruments
Bab 8 : Daya dan Tekanan / Force and Pressure
8.1 Tekanan dalam Bendalir / Pressure in Fluids
Bab 9 : Teknologi Angkasa Lepas / Space Technology
9.1 Satelit / Satellite
9.2 Sistem Penentu Sejagat (Global Positioning System, GPS) / Global Positioning System (GPS)
Bab 1 : Mikroorganisma / Microorganisms
1.1 Dunia Mikroorganisma / World of Microorganisms
1.2 Mikroorganisma Berfaedah / Useful Microorganisms
1.3 Pencegahan dan Rawatan Penyakit yang Disebabkan oleh Mikroorganisma / Prevention and Treatment of Diseases Caused by Microorganisms
Bab 2 : Nutrisi dan Teknologi Makanan / Nutrition and Food Technology
2.1 Gizi Seimbang dan Nilai Kalori / Balanced Diet and Calorific Value
2.2 Keperluan Nutrien oleh Tumbuhan / Nutrient Requirements in Plants
2.3 Kitar Nitrogen / Nitrogen Cycle
2.4 Teknologi Pengeluaran Makanan / Food Production Technology
2.5 Teknologi Pemprosesan Makanan / Food Processing Technology
2.6 Makanan Kesihatan dan Suplemen Kesihatan / Health Foods and Health Supplements
Bab 3 : Kelestarian Alam Sekitar / Sustainability of the Environment
3.1 Kitaran Hayat Produk / Product Life Cycle
3.2 Pencemaran Alam Sekitar / Environmental Pollution
3.3 Pemeliharaan dan Pemuliharaan Alam Sekitar / Preservation and Conservation of the Environment
Bab 4 : Kadar Tindak Balas / Rate of Reaction
4.1 Pengenalan Kadar Tindak Balas / Introduction to Rate of Reaction
4.2 Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Kadar Tindak Balas / Factors Affecting Rate of Reaction
4.3 Aplikasi Konsep Kadar Tindak Balas / Applications of the Concept of Rate of Reaction
Bab 5 : Sebatian Karbon / Carbon Compound
5.1 Pengenalan Sebatian Karbon / Introduction to Carbon Compounds
5.2 Hidrokarbon / Hydrocarbons
5.3 Alkohol / Alcohol
5.4 Lemak / Fats
5.5 Minyak Sawit / Palm Oil
Bab 6 : Elektrokimia / Electrochemistry
6.1 Sel Elektrolitik / Electrolytic Cell
6.2 Sel Kimia / Chemical Cell
Bab 7 : Cahaya dan Optik / Light and Optics
7.1 Pembentukan Imej oleh Kanta / Formation of Images by Lenses
7.2 Peralatan Optik / Optical Instruments
Bab 8 : Daya dan Tekanan / Force and Pressure
8.1 Tekanan dalam Bendalir / Pressure in Fluids
Bab 9 : Teknologi Angkasa Lepas / Space Technology
9.1 Satelit / Satellite
9.2 Sistem Penentu Sejagat (Global Positioning System, GPS) / Global Positioning System (GPS)
Bab 1 : Mikroorganisma / Microorganisms
1.1 Dunia Mikroorganisma / World of Microorganisms
1.2 Mikroorganisma Berfaedah / Useful Microorganisms
1.3 Pencegahan dan Rawatan Penyakit yang Disebabkan oleh Mikroorganisma / Prevention and Treatment of Diseases Caused by Microorganisms
Bab 2 : Nutrisi dan Teknologi Makanan / Nutrition and Food Technology
2.1 Gizi Seimbang dan Nilai Kalori / Balanced Diet and Calorific Value
2.2 Keperluan Nutrien oleh Tumbuhan / Nutrient Requirements in Plants
2.3 Kitar Nitrogen / Nitrogen Cycle
2.4 Teknologi Pengeluaran Makanan / Food Production Technology
2.5 Teknologi Pemprosesan Makanan / Food Processing Technology
2.6 Makanan Kesihatan dan Suplemen Kesihatan / Health Foods and Health Supplements
Bab 3 : Kelestarian Alam Sekitar / Sustainability of the Environment
3.1 Kitaran Hayat Produk / Product Life Cycle
3.2 Pencemaran Alam Sekitar / Environmental Pollution
3.3 Pemeliharaan dan Pemuliharaan Alam Sekitar / Preservation and Conservation of the Environment
Bab 4 : Kadar Tindak Balas / Rate of Reaction
4.1 Pengenalan Kadar Tindak Balas / Introduction to Rate of Reaction
4.2 Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Kadar Tindak Balas / Factors Affecting Rate of Reaction
4.3 Aplikasi Konsep Kadar Tindak Balas / Applications of the Concept of Rate of Reaction
Bab 5 : Sebatian Karbon / Carbon Compound
5.1 Pengenalan Sebatian Karbon / Introduction to Carbon Compounds
5.2 Hidrokarbon / Hydrocarbons
5.3 Alkohol / Alcohol
5.4 Lemak / Fats
5.5 Minyak Sawit / Palm Oil
Bab 6 : Elektrokimia / Electrochemistry
6.1 Sel Elektrolitik / Electrolytic Cell
6.2 Sel Kimia / Chemical Cell
Bab 7 : Cahaya dan Optik / Light and Optics
7.1 Pembentukan Imej oleh Kanta / Formation of Images by Lenses
7.2 Peralatan Optik / Optical Instruments
Bab 8 : Daya dan Tekanan / Force and Pressure
8.1 Tekanan dalam Bendalir / Pressure in Fluids
Bab 9 : Teknologi Angkasa Lepas / Space Technology
9.1 Satelit / Satellite
9.2 Sistem Penentu Sejagat (Global Positioning System, GPS) / Global Positioning System (GPS)